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Our comprehensive online hub offering free, high-quality learning and informational materials tailored to aspiring and seasoned journalists alike. This platform provides an extensive collection of resources, including in-depth tutorials, case studies, expert interviews, and toolkits designed to enhance investigative skills. Users can explore various aspects of investigative journalism, from ethical considerations and advanced research techniques to data analysis and storytelling strategies. By fostering a community of inquisitive minds, the Resource Lab aims to empower journalists to uncover the truth and report with integrity and impact.


Our Curriculum is extensive and we offer dedicated courses that are aimed at improving skills in Investigative journalism, Data Journalism, safety and security, Undercover Journalism, Open Source Journalism and Research Methodologies.



BACKGROUNDAccording to Article 19 of the Law No. 02/2013 of 08/02/2013 regulating media in Rwanda every person has the right to receive, disseminate or send information through internet. This means...

 Introduction to Investigative journalism

Julian Assange once described investigative journalism as the noble art of seizing reality back from the powerful. The founder of Wikileaks, a site that has exposed the crimes of so many regimes, did...

 Choosing what to investigate

Investigative journalism focuses on one particular clear angle that can be proven or disproven through in-depth research and careful documentation conducted by the journalist and their team. It...

Brainstorming ideas

When a journalist gets an idea for an investigation – regardless of its origin – they need to realise that it will not be a walk in the park. It will require months of research, preparation and...

Coming up with a hypothesis

Coming up with hypotheses is one of the investigative journalist’s most important mental and organizational tools. The hypothesis is critical to how an investigation proceeds. And because of how...

Planning an investigation

After coming up with a hypothesis, a journalist can work out what information they have already and what information they want to get access to. The best way to do this is to produce a written...