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Our comprehensive online hub offering free, high-quality learning and informational materials tailored to aspiring and seasoned journalists alike. This platform provides an extensive collection of resources, including in-depth tutorials, case studies, expert interviews, and toolkits designed to enhance investigative skills. Users can explore various aspects of investigative journalism, from ethical considerations and advanced research techniques to data analysis and storytelling strategies. By fostering a community of inquisitive minds, the Resource Lab aims to empower journalists to uncover the truth and report with integrity and impact.


Our Curriculum is extensive and we offer dedicated courses that are aimed at improving skills in Investigative journalism, Data Journalism, safety and security, Undercover Journalism, Open Source Journalism and Research Methodologies.



After a journalist decides on the questions that they want to answer, they need to work out what source or sources will allow them to come up with those answers. Their ability to build a network of...

Proving your hypothesis

In investigative journalism evidence must be proven beyond all doubt, because doubt will be interpreted to the detriment of the hypothesis. If an investigation presents possibilities rather than...

 Intersecting sources and testimony

Witness testimony is one of the main forms of evidence used by investigative journalists to prove their hypotheses. Testimony must be provided by primary sources directly linked to the event, and...

Lab analysis

Journalists use lab analysis to confirm that violations have taken place that cannot be proven by other methods. Lab analysis constitutes very solid evidence, especially if it is produced by a...

Technical expertise

In many investigations a journalist will not be able to produce convincing proof on their own because of the technical nature of the issue. In this case you will have no option but to turn to an...

Hidden cameras and recording devices

Using hidden cameras and recording devices is often linked with going undercover, but it is possible to plant such devices without ever disguising your identity. You could also have a third party...