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Our comprehensive online hub offering free, high-quality learning and informational materials tailored to aspiring and seasoned journalists alike. This platform provides an extensive collection of resources, including in-depth tutorials, case studies, expert interviews, and toolkits designed to enhance investigative skills. Users can explore various aspects of investigative journalism, from ethical considerations and advanced research techniques to data analysis and storytelling strategies. By fostering a community of inquisitive minds, the Resource Lab aims to empower journalists to uncover the truth and report with integrity and impact.


Our Curriculum is extensive and we offer dedicated courses that are aimed at improving skills in Investigative journalism, Data Journalism, safety and security, Undercover Journalism, Open Source Journalism and Research Methodologies.



Surveys and questionnaires may be used more in academic studies than in investigative journalism, but this does not rule them out as an investigative tool. In some cases they are crucial because of...

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) : Google Hacking for Reconnaissance

The Internet has become the largest repository of data in the history of humankind! If one knows how to find, identify and use this data, it can be invaluable to forensic investigations, the...

Going undercover

In investigative journalism, going undercover means working secretly without revealing yourself as a journalist. This is a long tradition in journalism: as early as 1887 Elizabeth Cochrane took on an...

Building and analyzing databases

Around 130 countries have adopted laws encouraging the sharing of information and of them have become part of the Open Government Partnership. This has improved the flow of data from governments to...

Personal experience

By personal experience we mean a journalist undertaking an entirely legal action, without concealing their identity, in order to test compliance to the law by others and uncover mistakes or violations...

Gathering testimony

Some journalists reach out directly to the public for information. In a Boston Globe investigation that revealed sexual harassment in Catholic churches in Boston, a team of journalists followed up the...