
The Messiahs That Are Not “Abacunguzi Batari Bo

In 2010 the UK’s Department for the International Development (DFID) and the World Bank in partnership with the Government of Rwanda and the the German Development Bank established a Rwandan not for profit company (Access to Finance Rwanda), KfW, a German owned bank, bank also later joined as a donor. according to the founders Access to finance Rwanda is part of the broader financial sector deepening (FSD) network of programs in Africa that seek to create a transformative impact on reduction of poverty by supporting efforts to improve financial inclusion and by helping financial institutions and markets drive economic growth.

A lot of positive stories and successful stories have been told since Access to finance Rwanda was establishment, but this time around M28 Investigates focuses on the untold story. If Access to finance Rwanda is the greatest successful story of an Not for profit company you ever heard here in Rwanda, then the one that M28 Investigates documented tells maybe one of the more shameful…

According to access to finance Rwanda, a core banking system was one of their key investments, but they provided a fake core backing system to small tea SACCOs throughout the country. this led to huge loss to the SACCOs

According to the access to finance this was achieved, here in Nyamasheke after 10 years of the AFR Establishment, SACCO Gisakura is among of the grieving ones that have a version of the story that has never been told, it counts losses and thefts threats. Make no mistake Access to finance Rwanda officials have been on several occasions talking about the success of the core banking system they gave this Sacco’s.

M28 Investigates received documents and claims from other Sacco’s that were meant to benefit from this project but their stories look similar. Who is to be blamed? Access to finance Rwanda or The service providers.

During its first five years of operation (2010-2015), AFR provided a project to a Ugandan company that was to install and operate this software. It was through a so-called transparent competition of different service providers including Rwandan local companies according to some of our sources that preferred to stay anonymous.

The story also shows AFR’s negative impact to the local FINITEC companies, corruption, wastage of funds and nepotism that is going on at this NGO that is meant to be benefiting Rwandans

1 Comment

  1. Wilma.C

    July 11, 2024 at 1:55 pm

    I like this blog very much, Its a real nice place to read and incur information.Expand blog

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